Bacterial Spot Disease in Mango

Bacterial Spot Disease in Mango (Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae)

Bacterial spot is a serious disease affecting mango leaves, twigs, and fruits. It thrives in warm, humid conditions and spreads through wind, rain, and contaminated tools. Severe infections lead to defoliation, poor fruit quality, and reduced yield.


  • Leaves: Small, water-soaked dark brown to black spots with yellow halos. Severe infections cause leaf drop.
  • Fruits: Raised, brown-black spots on the skin, which later crack, making the fruit vulnerable to secondary infections.
  • Twigs: Black lesions that may lead to dieback in young shoots.

Management Strategies:

1. Cultural Control:

  • Prune affected branches and destroy infected plant material.
  • Improve orchard ventilation and drainage to reduce humidity.
  • Disinfect pruning tools with 1% bleach solution to prevent spread.

2. Biological Control:

  • Use Bacillus subtilis as a preventive spray to suppress bacterial growth.

3. Chemical Control:

  • Preventive Spray (Pre-Flowering Stage):

    • Copper Oxychloride 50% WP (2.5 g/L) to reduce bacterial spread.
    • Streptomycin Sulfate + Tetracycline (200 ppm) in case of an active infection.
  • Flowering & Fruit Development Stage:

    • Kasugamycin 5% SL (2 ml/L) or Copper Hydroxide 77% WP to control bacterial spread.
  • Post-Harvest Management:

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