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Aries Plantomycin

Aries Plantomycin

5 total reviews

Regular price ₹ 299.00
Sale price ₹ 299.00 Regular price ₹ 330.00
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Aries Plantomycin effectively controls disease cost by fungus/ bacteria in wide range. Plantomycin also helps in increasing yield Plantomycin is preventive as well as curative. A stable, free flowing fine powder, fully soluble in water Broad spectrum, antibiotic bactericide for plants for control of bacterial diseases in plants.


Recommended uses :

Rice ( Spray Treatment) Bacterial leaf blight 6 g in 60Lt of water. 6 g in 120 Lt Soak 60 kg. seed for two hours before sowing. Dip the seedling completely in the solution before transplanting
Rice (Spray ) 6 g in 120 Lt 1st spray at an early boot stage 2nd spray 20 days before ripening of grains
Chillies and tomatoes Black Spot 6 g in 60 to 120 Lt. water 1st spray after 30 days of sowing 2nd spray 30 days after transplanting and 3rd spray at fruiting.
Tea Blister blight 6 g in 60 to 120 Lt. water Spray 40 g with 350 to 450g Copper oxy chloride 50 % WP in 67 Ltrs. of water/ hectare. Spray the solution on seed bed 20 after sowing, 2nd spray after 15 days of transplanting, 3rd and 4th spray at 15 days gap
Potato Brown rot 6 g in 60 to 120 Lt. water Dip cut potato pieces for half an hour before planting. 1st spray 20 days after planting and 2nd spray after 15 days of 1st spray.
Cucumber Leaf Spot 6 g in 120 Lt. Spray 2 to 3 times at 15 days gap. First spray 30 days after sowing.
Cotton Angular leaf 6 g in spot & black arm 6gm in 60 Lt. water 6 gm in 120 Lt. water Soak 12-15 Kg. seed in the solution for at least two hours and then sow. Three sprays at twenty days gap. First spray 30 days of sowing.
Citrus Citrus Canker 6 g in Spray as soon as Canker spots are seen on the leaves & fruits.
Grapes sugarcane Mango Etc. Bacterial Disease 6 g in 60-120 Lt. water. In certain regions bacterial diseases are reported in these crops.

Country of Origin - India

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Good product, good service

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Two years old product plantomycin

plantomycin i purchase one kg date of manufacturing is 1.10.21 or Expire date 30.9.2024.

Adhi Thirugnanamoorthy
மணிலாவிற்க்கு சிறந்த நோய் மருந்து வாழ்த்துக்கள்

களிமண்ணா இடத்தில் மணிலா சாகுபடியில் வரும் பாக்டீரியா மற்றும் பூஞ்சை நோய் தீர்க்கும் மருந்தாக உள்ளது

Apurba Kumar Patar

Excellent product


Good product.

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